When children are undergoing pediatric cancer treatment, their days of often defined by hospital visits, tests, treatments and chemotherapy. At Love Your Melon, we want to give these superheroes a special day defined instead by laughter, hope and fun memories with their families. This is why we bring children like Aiden on special Superhero Adventures!

Aiden is only three years old and is battling stage 4 neuroblastoma. Our Love Your Melon Campus Crew at the University of Central Florida recently brought Aiden on a Superhero Adventure filled with his favorite things.

They began with a visit to the Crayola Factory, where Aiden made his own art creations and named his own crayon colors!

The adventure continued at Build-A-Bear, and Aiden had a blast picking out and making his very own dragon.

He played with his dragon at the store and was thrilled that he got to bring his creation home with him. 

At the end of the adventure, the Crew surprised Aiden with a new bike and celebrated with a delicious cake!

Aiden is battling cancer like a superhero, and we are honored to provide him with a positive memory in the midst of such a difficult time. Thank you for making this possible for Aiden and for thousands of other children battling cancer.

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